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A Flexible Indexing System

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Release of xindy-1.2.1 and xindy-dk

	Hi out there,

I'd like to announce release 1.2.1 of xindy. It incorporates many
big-fixes reported by several authors.

Additionally there is a new subdirectory at our ftp-server that
contains the documented source-code of the system. Be warned that it
is not ready to use, since it relies on a development environment,
that is currently available only here at our site.

All who work with the source can find more information there. The code
is written in noweb and in the subdirectory there is a LaTeX-file that
should be processable.

The source code documentation needs further clean-up so be warned.
Some information is as well outdated and should be removed.


Roger Kehr
Computer Science Department          Technical University of Darmstadt